When Should I start flowering (Day 42) ??


This is my very 1st grow, and I was curious to get some advise from yall. I am currently growing ..Reserve Prada Purple Wreck,Moby Dick , and some of the Attitude DNA X-mas special seeds..Sleestack x skunk, og x skung,kushberry x skunk , la con x skunk, kandy kush x skunk. It has been 42 days from seed just looking for some suggestions ..Thanks in advance



Active Member
how exacactly are you growing these plants? like those netcups. are you putting them in a dwc tub or anything cuz if your roots start coming out the sides and they dont have water to go to or soil or something, there gonna dry out.
as for the flowering ? its up to you. how big of a space you have to grow. always remember your plants will double and sometimes tripple in size in flowering.


Yea theyre growing in a 25g resivor doing DWC, i ust took them out to trim and take some snap shots.. I think ill switch next week if there gonna double thatll be 42 days of vegging come next sunday Approx. 3ft x 1.6ft x 5.2ft growspace


Yea ill lower the lights this week and stop trimming ..hope i didnt mess anything up other then that how do yall think theyre doing