When should I start to LST my plants ?


Well-Known Member

There only 6 days old :p but there like 3 inches tall.

it only has 1 set of leaves right now.

And could someone please explain LST a little bit more.

I dont get this step. Can anyone Noob-a-tize it for me.

STEP 8 : Continue to repeat step 7 until you are all the way around the pot... when you reach the point where your plant first met the edge of the plant Top the plant (cut off the very top of the plant ) and hold it down horizontally with a metal hook.... During all this time of repeating step 7 you should also be tieing down horizontally the new branches that have formed from the main stem as much as possible until you use up as much space as possible inside the pot as well , the outter branches growing over the outside edge of the pot you can hold down as well with string to keep those tops even with the inner branches.


bud bootlegger
what i think they are saying is.... you want to tie down all of the older growth to the edge of the pot you are growing in... and when you do this, of course you will get new growth off of what has already been tied to the pot, and what you do with the new growth is tie it to the outside of the pot with the string as the inside of the pot will already be all used up from the old growth....
i hope that this makes some since to you...
you will want to start lst as soon as you can... you can use some pipe cleaners, they work great... and just kind of bend the plant over to the one side of the container and wrap it with the pipe cleaner and use the pipe cleaner to hold it to the pot with.. when you get new growth, just do the same thing.. bend it over to a clear spot in the pot and tie down with pipe cleaner... and just keep doing this till you run out of pot to place the pipe cleaners.. at this point you can use the string around the outside of the pot....
check out doob's journal.. got twins.. she does a pretty good job of explaining it in her journal..
hope this clears it up some for you and not the opposite, lol...


Well-Known Member
what i think they are saying is.... you want to tie down all of the older growth to the edge of the pot you are growing in... and when you do this, of course you will get new growth off of what has already been tied to the pot, and what you do with the new growth is tie it to the outside of the pot with the string as the inside of the pot will already be all used up from the old growth....
i hope that this makes some since to you...
you will want to start lst as soon as you can... you can use some pipe cleaners, they work great... and just kind of bend the plant over to the one side of the container and wrap it with the pipe cleaner and use the pipe cleaner to hold it to the pot with.. when you get new growth, just do the same thing.. bend it over to a clear spot in the pot and tie down with pipe cleaner... and just keep doing this till you run out of pot to place the pipe cleaners.. at this point you can use the string around the outside of the pot....
check out doob's journal.. got twins.. she does a pretty good job of explaining it in her journal..
hope this clears it up some for you and not the opposite, lol...
So your saying when i bend down the branch with the pipe cleaners it should be at a 90 degree angle ?

And when the new branches form and are long enough, bend them down ? and when those branches form their own branches, bend those down also ? and repeat the process ?


Well-Known Member
tie your plant, then when the top is long enough tie it again, ect., ect.. do Not tie the branches that reach for the light,only the top. the branches that come from the fan leaves are those that will have the bud sites.


Well-Known Member
tie your plant, then when the top is long enough tie it again, ect., ect.. do Not tie the branches that reach for the light,only the top. the branches that come from the fan leaves are those that will have the bud sites.
At first when you tie it, it will grow towards the light. At that point, do I tie the top with a new pipecleaner and remove the other one ?
Or leave the old pipecleaner and just use another pipecleaner ? SO i have 2 pipecleaners holding it down.

User Name420

Active Member
it's never too early, really. almost never too late too.. okay maybe not too late. but yeah..

just make sure you keep the MAIN stem closest to the dirt than any other part of the plant.