When should I transplant?

Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum. I recently ordered some seeds from attitude (Cheese Feminized), I currently have them under a 120W plant light. They are in large red cups and have just sprouted their first true leaf (not the cotyledon ). I want to know when should I transplant them into a larger container?



Well-Known Member
You could transplant now I wait until I notice my soil is getting dense to me this is an indication they roots need more room ignored a couple and they ended up root bound general rule its better to start them in bigger pots so you trasplant as little as possible and redue the stress involved


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum. I recently ordered some seeds from attitude (Cheese Feminized), I currently have them under a 120W plant light. They are in large red cups and have just sprouted their first true leaf (not the cotyledon ). I want to know when should I transplant them into a larger container?

Transplant when the cups are full of roots and you can see them through the drainage holes in the cups/pots.


New Member
You could transplant now I wait until I notice my soil is getting dense to me this is an indication they roots need more room ignored a couple and they ended up root bound general rule its better to start them in bigger pots so you trasplant as little as possible and redue the stress involved
You should start in small pots and use the pot up method for maximizing root growth.


Active Member
Next time start your seeds or clones in clear dixie cups. Just cut holes in the bottom for drainage of course, but they are great because you can see your root growth through the cup. Then you know exactly when to transplant as you can monitor the growth underground.


Active Member
Also if you don't pot up yull have a big pot of old stinky water with no roots to drink it. That will keep you awake at night!


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents but I totally agree with the stepping up during the life cycle of my babies. I prefer from seeds starting in those little starter cups, then a little 20 oz pot, 1 gallon and then a three gallon for the final. LOL sometimes I feel manly and will use a 5 gallon on long flowering strains. I grow in an almost straight compost mix that I make myself from farm litter and grass clippings along with a heavy dose of veggie scraps and fruits. I don't fed my babies often in this manner, once in a while a little manure, a few doses of molasses over the grow and water. The root mass is exceptional in this method, the correct growing medium can reduce the amount of work during the grow and best of all the great savings in nutes (my compost doesn't cost a thing to make every year).
The timing of my transplanting is when the roots show through the drainholes and then I tend to wait 3-5 days and right before it is time to water. In my stoned ramble I hope I answered your question. Happy Growing