when should i transplant


Active Member
:blsmoke:K, so my supergirls have been in a Jeffy #5 Peat Pot with MG (Miracle-Gro) Seed Starting Potting Mix for 4 days now. What I need to know is when should I transplant my girls to a larger container and which soil should I use (besides MG Potting Mix; Feeds plants for up to 3 months). It might be too late for me to change soil brands because i already started with Miracle-Gro, if that is so... Which MG do you guys recommend? Also I have FoxFarm Grow Big Liquid Plant Food (6-4-4), when can i start using it? and will I be able to use it with MG even tho MG has food/nutrients already?

Thanks For Any/All Help!!!



Well-Known Member
you have about 2-3 weeks before you will want to transplant.......i would put them into foxfarm ocean forest soil and then start given them about a 1/4 of the recomended dosage at around 4-5 weeks.......


Active Member
Thanks Man.
I was also wondering if it was alright to put my girls with MG seed starting soil into a different soil? in this case FoxFarm Ocean Forest.


Well-Known Member
itll be fine...just dont give any nutes right away....let whatever is still in the mg soil flush out with a few waterings...