when to add nutes?


Well-Known Member
depends on what you are growing in. first grow? there are many you can use. FloraGrow Bloom is used alot here but you can use GH or any of the others. If you have been vegging for 5 weeks, you can start nutes, start with 1/4 the strength on the label every other watering or something like that, increase dose as you see them taking the nutes. If they start to burn, back off. If you are using MG or any pre nuted soil, chill and really go slow.

my 2 cents.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you can start adding nuts about the 3rd week ( well thats just me maybe ) then start off with 1//4 strenth. you want a higher npk during veg. like 20-20-20 or 16-16-16 i use 24-8-16 what you fell comfortablewith. and for floweryou want way less if not none n( i prefer none)nd a higher pk. hope this helps.