When to check Ph of plants when applying nutes


Whats going on everyone? Im doing a outdoor grow in Master Nursery Gardeners Gold Organic soil. Im growing Purple Widow, and they are a month old. I purchased the Fox Farm trio pack, and started applying the nutes... My Ph was at 7 and is still at 7 now.

My question is, when should i test the Ph of my soil when applying the nutes, Every feeding, weekly?

If my Ph becomes to high what should i do, just flush the plant and continue to apply the nutes? Or is there another method?

Also my Ph tester is like a thermometer lookin thing with a dial on it which reads the Ph, should i use this or the strips when applying

Sorry for a lot of questions folks but im just very curious and i want to make sure i do this right. Anybody with an anwser please feel free to help a brother out.... Thanks to all and god bless