When to check Ph when adding Nutes to plants


Whats going on everyone? Im doing a outdoor grow in Master Nursery Gardeners Gold Organic soil. Im growing Purple Widow, and they are a month old. I purchased the Fox Farm trio pack, and started applying the nutes... My Ph was at 7 and is still at 7 now.

My question is, when should i test the Ph of my soil when applying the nutes, Every feeding, weekly?

If my Ph becomes to high what should i do, just flush the plant and continue to apply the nutes? Or is there another method?

Also my Ph tester is like a thermometer lookin thing with a dial on it which reads the Ph, should i use this or the strips when applying

Sorry for a lot of questions folks but im just very curious and i want to make sure i do this right. Anybody with an anwser please feel free to help a brother out.... Thanks to all and god bless


Well-Known Member
Whats going on everyone? Im doing a outdoor grow in Master Nursery Gardeners Gold Organic soil. Im growing Purple Widow, and they are a month old. I purchased the Fox Farm trio pack, and started applying the nutes... My Ph was at 7 and is still at 7 now.

My question is, when should i test the Ph of my soil when applying the nutes, Every feeding, weekly?

If my Ph becomes to high what should i do, just flush the plant and continue to apply the nutes? Or is there another method?

Also my Ph tester is like a thermometer lookin thing with a dial on it which reads the Ph, should i use this or the strips when applying

Sorry for a lot of questions folks but im just very curious and i want to make sure i do this right. Anybody with an anwser please feel free to help a brother out.... Thanks to all and god bless
Ok, you need a ph test kit, i bought one at the local grow store with 'ph up', 'ph down', and a test idicator. Pretty much the indicator comes with a vial, you fill half way up with the water mixed with nutrients, youdrop 3-5 drops in, and theres a color key you go off of, yellowish green is what you want 5.5-6.5 ph. My tap water is 7.8, after I add a tsp of fox farm tiger bloom and 1 tsp of fox farm big bloom it corrects the tap water to a solid 6.0. But if your ph is at 7.0 I'd make sure what your feeding it isn't high in ph, if it is, purchase ph down and get the soil dialed in. Also, those little ph needle stake looking things aren't accurate, you can find a digital pen on the internet for like 25 bucks.


majek ur the F'in man too man, i def. gotta thank you too man, you always give me feedback when ever i post... im dedicating my first crop to u guys hahahahaha


Active Member
Once you get into a groove with the nutes, your future grows you might not even need to test at all.
I seldom test my soil unless i notice someting wrong


ya man its def a learning experience.... im documenting this whole grow so i can use it as a refence for next year... im trying to calenderize everything and what not..... this morning when i woke up though i saw some damn yellow spots on my top leaves and im 90% it looks like spider mite damage, so i lubed my babies up with some organicide hahaha and im praying it fixes the problem


Active Member
When I had mites the tips started to turn yellow/brown and curl. The browning would slowly travel up the leaves until I would have to cut it off entirely. I was told this was mites and the home remedy i got on here worked beautifully