when to chop?


hi all, i have 3 plants which are killa watt strain i started from clones which a friend gave me, iv looked on seed websites for a flower times and have only found two, one says 8-9 weeks and the other says 9-10 weeks mine have only 6 days till they are 9 weeks would it be better to harvest on sunday or should i wait another week? :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Take a look at your trichs, you want a mix of cloudy & amber trichs, also looking at majority of the hairs on the plant you want mostly to all amber.
You need to get a magnifying glass or an decent digital camera to get real closeups of the trichs.

As far as the trichs go you would like to have anywhere form 25-50% amber and the rest cloudy, all depending on the kind of high you want.


Active Member
For me I cut it when the trichomes are turning amber/brown faster than clear ones are forming. Going into amber is done to give the clear ones time to turn cloudy. If their all good and cloudy just wait for a few amber trichomes then cut.