when to fert and crop?


Active Member
OK so i just transplanted my girl into a large pot and i was curious if its best to fertilize it should i do it right away or wait a while to let it heal after the transplant also i need to trim her lower branches and should this also be done now or wait and if i should wait then how long? Side note the fert is 20 20 20 and when i was transplanting her she lost a lower branch due to a accident so not sure if sense ones off is should crop the rest or let her heal also extra info its soil based. Thanks in advance for the advice guys.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
How old is the plant? Flower or veg? Pics of the damage?.. A little more info needed to be able to help you Sir :)


Well-Known Member
Well that all depends on what kinda soil it's in. If the soil has ferts in it already then you don't really need to bother for a while.


Active Member
its in flower week 2 and no fert in soil that would still be there. the new soil has none ans the one from the old pot it was in had some but what was a month ago when i put it in so i take it the plant used most of it by now. Also nearly no dmg just one small branch maybe 4 inch long snap off from dirt hitting it. shes older then she needs to be but i had shit light for the first month of her life shes 3 moths old and 1.5 feet tall. (shes under a 400w hps now and loving it now).