When to flower?


Well-Known Member
Quick question to the experts!

When is a good time switch to flowering mode for white widows? 2 of them are under a 300w HPS.

I've heard that once they hit 24 inches, its your call. Is it a good idea to wait longer?

Should they be showing their sex before you switch to flower mode? Or will they show it once you switch the lighting?



Well-Known Member
Depends of your flowering space and lighting . . . at 24" in veg, you could see a 4'-5' finished plant. Can your gear accommodate such?


Well-Known Member
Depends of your flowering space and lighting . . . at 24" in veg, you could see a 4'-5' finished plant. Can your gear accommodate such?

For sure. Are you saying flowering will grow them to 4-5 feet?!

Theorhetically, can you flower them as long as you please? Longer you flower the better buds?


Well-Known Member
good call Denver. Ive had it happen before where I put in tons of time, only to find out they were males. When you begin flowering, will the sex show sooner than later?


Well-Known Member
For sure. Are you saying flowering will grow them to 4-5 feet?!

Theorhetically, can you flower them as long as you please? Longer you flower the better buds?
Yep- maybe even taller . . . and you can pretty much flower them as long as you want . . . deterioration causing more couch lock, very powerful, K.O buzz.


the best time to flower is once the plants mature, or have alternating nodes. but for you space is an issue so if u have 3 feet of grow area veg no more then a foot