Amber comes when CBD has been converted to CBN. CBN also has similar(but slightly different) medical benefits than CBD, but it seems only about 1/10th of its strength. So no amber or very little if you just want CBD.
However this is such a new territory that i think CBD and CBN possible entourage effects and CBN in general should be studied more. But from current knowledge it seems that no amber is best. Maybe the future will show that some amber is good, but most likely the future will only support the idea that no amber is best.
Clear in CBD plants is most likely CBG, just like with THC dominant plants, because CBG is a precursor for both THC and CBD. I think the possible entourage effects of CBG and its medicinal properties in general. But it seems like CBD might be better and if you want to grow CBD, then it seems like you want milky trichomes, just like with THC plants.
But which is better CBG or CBN(more clear or amber) if it seems like all trichomes dont develop evenly? Its hard to say for medicinal point of view overall, but they have a different effect. If you let THC dominant plant ripen up to a lot of amber, it will be more body stone, but if you cut it too early, the high will be more clear and racy. I think same applies to CBD plants, but the difference might not be as big, because you dont get THCs effects that are modified, but just that thing that modifies THCs effects.