well i heard "day" is better in outside conditions, simply because you dont want to harvest at night, when its moist, and bring that moisture inside or whatever and let that moisture rot your shit. , I guess you wanna harvest in morning/day when the moisture is gone, if that makes sense, in an outside grow.
Inside quality, someone may have a different opinion. I mean wow, all sorts of wierd stuff to help assure or prevent a great chop. Also, what about that 24hr max DARKNESS period before you chop, I hear about that seems intriguing, Combined with the advice of dont water 3 days before harvest type of thing too, maybe all these factors added in with each other plus a few trick and tips more may qualify a good grow and smoke.
I wish I knew more too man! SECRETS SECRETS SHHHHH........hahaha j/k.
I wish all you pro's would get together and write a FACT / FICTION tales of the story of "how to Grow" here at RIU.
What works, what doesnt.......I seen the Mythbusters thread. Had a couple laughs in there. There is simply wayyyyy too much information on the web. Some shit needs to get cut out. I see YouTube is beginning to be infested with just plain garbage.
But then again, Im so broke, I couldnt buy the RIU book at AMAZON. Id have to wait till some kind soul uploaded it somewhere.