When to harvest?

Hi Guys,
This is my first grow and I'd like a more experienced opinion on when to harvest.

White Widow X Big Bud
6 weeks and two days into flower
Single plant - indoor
5 Gal soil grow
6 x 23w CFLs

Thank you very much!



Well-Known Member
Very good job! :clap: Looks to be another 2.5-3.5 weeks. The still look to be going strong. As they get riper, you'll have a better idea of when to harvest. Lots of info in stickeys about how to tell when it's "time". Pick up a 40x loupe, or a scope, so you can easily check trichs.

Good luck

R2T :peace:
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought she was a lot closer. I'm going for a head high, so I don't want to leave her too long.


Well-Known Member
Nah even if you want it a bit early you should still wait till most of the pistils are brown, that has a lot of fresh growth still on it and you want everything to swell up nice. Remember just cos they look big and juicy now, when you dry them you lose about 70% of the volume/weight and if you chop early they end up not being as nice and dense as they should have


Well-Known Member
I've found one of the best head highs to be between 6 1/2- 7 1/2 weeks strain dependent of course You will lose in yeild but it's a crazy trippy high. My girlfriend likes a head high so I always pull some early just for her and I usually smoke it when I get home from work. It kinda gives me energy, it's awesome


Well-Known Member
I've grown WWXBB numerous times and 9.5 weeks of 12/12 was when mine show the first sign of amber.
I've grown WWXBB numerous times and 9.5 weeks of 12/12 was when mine show the first sign of amber.
Thank, it sounds like everyone is advising I wait at least 2 weeks. That makes me happy because I'd love to see her fill out even more! I'm totally willing to be patient to see her be the best she can be :weed:
I've found one of the best head highs to be between 6 1/2- 7 1/2 weeks strain dependent of course You will lose in yeild but it's a crazy trippy high. My girlfriend likes a head high so I always pull some early just for her and I usually smoke it when I get home from work. It kinda gives me energy, it's awesome
I like that idea, I just don't have anywhere to dry but inside my grow tent, so I'm kinda limited.


New Member
Any rec's for these ? 1st grow

SSH 7 weeks into flower, fimmed/5 weeks veg.

Pic of the top of the plant, close up of 1 cola and a farther shot of the cola/stem with my finger

guessing i have a long way to go ? mostly just trying to know when to flush.



Well-Known Member
It's usually not to smelly. Not more than rolling a jay and smoking that. If someone says they smell it just tell them you burned one a little while ago and that will explain the smell