When to prune in flowering?


I'm going on day 16 of flowering and I had mixed up that you should WAIT 2 weeks before pruning everything under scrog net, instead of pruning them BEFORE full 2 weeks of flowering. Is it too late to prune now as bud sites are there?
If it where me i would prune very slowly like 5 or six leaves per plant startingnwith the lowest ones.

Also trim out anything thats going to be larf unless you care for that nonsense lol

Then by week 3 do your final trim up then let em go only removing anything majorly necessary

But this is just one way

If your plants are healthy and everything is chugging along you could just hit her hard and trim it up how you want but i wouldnspace it over the week (i defoiliate my stuff pretty hard at times )

Hope it helps.

To add after week 3 best to leave things alone and not stunt her or you can kill your harvest yields
I’m in my second week of flower, knowing that the plant will extend its growth in this period I removed all smaller leaves that were grown first, most fan leaves that block the light to the canopy, I am LST’ing a plant so my canopy is even so as far as small side stems I have few to trim - however you can see the difference between stems with tight nodes and a strong stem system when flowering, compared to those with only a flower filling on top. If I see a tiny popcorn flower sticking out by itself I’d clip it before it adds any new growth. Also all of the lower stem leaves I remove to promote new growth for the upper canopy but I am very reluctant to remove too many, I try not to disrupt any stems with good growth.

Once the plant really begins to produce flowers you don’t want to do much trimming if at all.
I defoliated hard this whole run

All through veg till day one of flip

Then again at 3 weeks into flower :)

There was a lot more but if your working with an 8 weeks strain i would slow dow on plucking after week 3 or you can stunt her if you pull too much :)