When to put clones out in Queens,Ny

Just wanted some info if any on when is an appropriate date to put my clones out door to veg for the outdoor season this is my first outdoor grow I’m gonna be doing 12 25 gallon
Air pots jacks 321 as far as medium please leave suggestions I was going to go with coco loco being that I use it indoors. Thank you any advice will be great


Well-Known Member
I have only set plants out to flower in August.. but since I'm still fresh to outdoors in the northeast I would wait til the outdoor night temps weren't dipping under 65F. Someone with actual experience may be able to chime in. That's just what I am going to do this year. I don't want them to get hit with any extreme cold weather.


Well-Known Member
If you’re going from clones indoors under artificial light to outdoors in direct sunlight I’d recommend putting them outdoors anytime after May 15 when the forecast calls for partly cloudy sky’s for a few days. This give them a chance to acclimate to the sun which is much more intense than grow lights can be.