When to put Sprout under LED?


Well-Known Member
1st time grower here, I’ve successfully germinated and sprouted my first plant. I’m just curious at what point you’d put it under a LED light?
I’m using 300w Viparspectra in a 15”x26.5”x40” file cabinet stealth grow.

Keep your light high to start, some airflow, and agreed on the medium. Too wet, you will get damping off. Keep the ambient temps around 78-82 f and do not allow root zone to get cold.
Good luck op.
Any time for the light. That soil looks really wet. Careful you don’t drowned it. are there good drain holes in that cup?
This was seconds after I just watered, but I’ll keep it in mind to not over water. I’ve poked 12 holes in the bottom and made 4 of the holes the size of a small straw.
Thanks for the replies
Sound like you have plenty of drain holes. You don’t need to saturate the cup each watering. At least for now. If the top dries out just add a little water. The roots need air to breath and they will stretch to the bottom where all the water is. Over watering and over fertilizing kills more plants by far than the reverse.