When to Reintrodce Nutes After Nute Burn-Seedlings, DWC

Bob Lawblaw

Active Member
Hey all - I have four 14 day old Satori sprouts in a DWC setup. They stopped growing around day 7, and subsequently burned mildly. One sprout will likely die, but the other three seem just fine - their lime colored hue has turned back to a lush green colour, and there is no yellowing at all. Two of the three seedlings' leaves are still curled down, but they slowly started to add new growth after about the 36 hour point, using RO/DI water.

The question is, does anyone have any hard fast rule as to when it is optimal to reintroduce nutes? I'm almost at 48 hours of flushing now.

If anyone wants any more details on the grow, including pics of the seelinds, check out the journal: Dyslexics Untie!!! SATORI | Stealth/Tent | DWC | 250W HPS/MH & 180W LED | CO2@1500ppm
The second post has most of the info pertaining to the setup/nutes, etc.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Bob Lawblaw

Active Member
Cool, you're the second person I've seen say week three or four. Is this with hydro, or soil only? Others are saying to add 1/4 strength nutes once the second set of leaves comes into view. Either way, what are the first signs to look for that my babes are hungry for nutes?



Well-Known Member
Um, I don't grow hydro, but I can say that a MJ plant won't survive on nothing but water, for 3-4 weeks. Hell, my plants in premium soil, in party cups, will be showing deficiencies by then, if I haven't fed or transplanted already. Your's will need fed soon, but I'm not the one to recommend exactly when, and what dose, in DWC, someone else will have to help you there. All I know, is that you'll have to back off a little on the strength, but I think you already know that.lol


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it has to do with your medium?

I have found that in coco for example my plants didn't even start growing without a feeding, but I was said that this is because the chemical properties of coco - with too low of EC it would suck the nutes out of the plant. But perhaps with water this wasn't the case?

this guy was having problems with 200ppm (which is indeed a bit high for day-old seedlings). But perhaps for a couple of days to be on 0ppm won't hurt? surely not 3-4 weeks though.