When to remove humidity dome?


Well-Known Member
My babies are sprouting looking good and the true leaves are almost fully developed. When do I remove the humidity dome?


Well-Known Member
I figure I won't have to water again for atleast 3-5 days. Though temps are getting kinda high. 82f at peak. So maybe earlier


Well-Known Member
Took the dome off. Is it okay to feed with seaweed extract on my next watering?
Much too young to feed at this point. Between what the seed itself and the soil contain, you've easily got a few weeks before feeding will be necessary. Start light, with no more than half-strength dosing for the first couple of feeds to see how they do.


Well-Known Member
I have some fucked up clones from a buddy he had a mold prob white powder he used a baking soda and water spray on his mothers they are fine he took a few clones for me they look all Burt now hers sum pics any help would be great 2 2 and 3 that where in early flower 1st week here's a pic cloned 4 days ago not wilting to bad nodes still OK no burn or narcotic leaves beside the big ones



Well-Known Member
Honestly, scrap em. Ain't nobody got time for somebody else's throwaway clones that "may" be cleared of mold. Only takes one spore to fuck a crop.


Well-Known Member
Think he is gunna give me a few more free that won't be like this so if they don't have roots by sun I'll prob chuck them don't have these in my actual grow area so cross contamination shouldn't be a problem especially where he Burnes the shit iutta them to kill it all guess he got a plant that had a Lil white mold and his mother as where fine but he sprayed his whole room just incase