When To Start Adding Fertilizer To Pre-Fertilized Coco Peat


Active Member
I bought those Coco Peat blocks that you just add water and it says has 20 grams of add fertilizer (20+20+20+TE).

I am going to grow from seed. I plan on veg for 1 week then into flower and using a 3 gallon pot (coco peat + perlite)

Now my question is after germination how long before I add new fertilizer or should I rather rinse the coco peat very very good to get out all the fertilizer then start from scratch?


Well-Known Member
Wait until you start seeing the first signs of deficiency (discolouration). This'll likely happen between week 3-5. Then use nutes 1/4-1/2 dose and slowly up it to full dose over the course of a couple of weeks.
