When to start using nutes?



How long after my seeds start germination shall i start using bio grow nutrients?

My soil is a basic mix with perlite, no bat guano or castings for my first grow on a low budget :/



Well-Known Member
assuming your starting mix is mostly sterile, I would transplant to mild nutrient soil, or start feeding, in a couple weeks when the plant has had time to grow 3 or 4 nodes, and possibly even show sex


Active Member
yeah i would definitely wait a few weeks for the seedlings to establish themselves, then start at 1/4 to 1/2 strength with your nutes


Well-Known Member
Yep 3-4 weeks when using a decent soil before the need for nutes is a good place to start. Then I start out at 1/2 half the dose and build up weekly until the flower transition. But always watch you girls they will tell you what they need from you. Yellowing leaves you need nutes, burnt tips too much nutes, droopy plant add water or over watered or too hot.


Active Member
Tell us about your soil... without that info all info is just a guess.. You might have to juice her like Barry Bonds, but if you have great soil and it has enough food in it already you might not ever need it.. They need a sticky that says start with the best possible soil...