When to stop grow nutes? Earth Juice


Active Member
So I've been hearing to keep the plant leaves green til the end. But I also hear that excess nitrogen affects taste. I'm now entering the 3rd week of flowering, when should I stop giving grow nutes if I should even stop at all?


Active Member
This may be the un talked about truth behind flushing . I would and assume most people feed bloom food right up till the day they start flushing . Some people don't flush but w/e to each his own . My uneducated thoughts are by the last week the plant is about done leaves start to yellow it id not taking much food in . My personal thoughts are that your just wasting your food . I mean your not going to get much return on that last feeding . You want that plant to think it's gonna die and it's doing everything it can to attract bugs in the way of sticky sweet trichs . I am pretty much a rookie but i was lucky enough to have good mentor and rui forum and my patient was "tickled pink " as she put it . I don't think i buy into that whole you can taste the w/e and that why you should flush . I just think it;'s a waste of nutes . at 60 bucs a gallon i'll save the last feed ot two and just water heavy . My advise is worth just about what you paid for it .


Active Member
Interesting.. I've read otherwise from riddleme and uncle Ben, stating that the last two weeks are the most vital weeks of a plants life so why would we deprive them of such nutrients? I understand that nitrogen is in the soil and you want the plant to use up the rest of the nitrogen in the soil, but I was just wondering when to stop. The 3LB recipe states to use nitrogen the first few weeks as the plant stretches during flower.


Well-Known Member
When using EJ, I would stop the nutes 1-2 weeks before the chop and water only. No flush

EJ is not like chems and there would still be nutes in the soil at chop time.

UB and RidMe are more than correct IMO
