when to transplant


Well-Known Member
i have 5 seedings in red party cups (8 or 10 ounces maybe?) and i am gonna transplant them into 6 or 7 gallon grow pots pretty soon. about when do you think i should transplant them?
i know its not good to do at a young age, but i dont want them to get root bound either. approximately when should i get them out?

check out my grow journal too! (In my Signature)


Well-Known Member
after they sprout and before they become root bound, but mostly it's prefrance; but personally i go from the jiffy mix or rockwool straight into my 5- gals and leave them there, id don't know but transplanting always scared me


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks and you should be good.. just use a sharp as fuck exacto and slit down the side and bottom of the cups.. so easy to pop out..


Well-Known Member
squeeze the sides of the pot real firmly whilst moving it in your hand
this will loosen the plant and it should slide right out the cup


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks guys. im scared to do it, i really dont want to kill my babies but ill for sure use my sharp as fuck knife and it should be okay. check out my grow journal and leave me some suggestions- im a first timer and obviously dont know exactly what im doin. :mrgreen: