When to water 60 gal pot?


First post. Couldn’t find an answer.

Long story short, I threw a 30 gal fabric pot onto another 30 gal fabric pot. The top 5” of soil is super dry according to my moisture meter. The bottom pot that it is sitting on is still reading wet.

I am in Souther California and the top 30gal pot dries out in 2 days, I’m thinking because it’s filled completely with roots.

Should I water again to run off, just enough to wet the first 30gal pot, or wait until the bottom is reading dry as well?
I’ve never grown in a pot that big before, but if I were to I’d probably elevate it so air could flow around all of it and wait until the plant let me know she was thirsty. Although, that runs the risk of her getting too thirsty. Good luck brother
First off its all draining into the bottom pot. I would cut the bottom off the top pot so it can get down to the other 30 gals
My 5 gal pot will suck up to a half gal per day at the end with full roots, so i imagine that girl needs lots. I Water her a gallon every 2 days, so your probably 10-20 gals every 2 days because of sun and wind as well. I dont know based on the magnitude of your pot. Just an estimate?? Take it for what its worth. Good luck
Thanks for the tip. I already cut the bottom off. Was a pain in the ass.

I kind of follow the 10% rule in regards to water/container size. I usually water 6 gallons with nutes twice a week and then one 10 gallon run of just water. I’m thinking the roots haven’t fully made it down to the bottom pot yet. I put it on a week ago.

Everything I have read has been “check the first few inches” and I am wondering if that applies to large/tall pots? Will it be okay to let the first 5-6 inches dry out as long as the bottom of the pot is super wet or should I water when the first few inches are dry?