What do you guys think of this method of knowing when to water again? I wait about 3 days after watering my plants then stick 4 wooden skewers into the soil around my plant, keep it there for about 5 minutes then pull them out i then put them next to this meter i made

which tells me how many days to wait to check the moisture again. once the moisture line on all the 4 skewers i pulled out of the soil lines up with the “water now” section, thats the day ill water again. Which is about when 80-85% of the pot is dry.

which tells me how many days to wait to check the moisture again. once the moisture line on all the 4 skewers i pulled out of the soil lines up with the “water now” section, thats the day ill water again. Which is about when 80-85% of the pot is dry.