When will my 1st bud come?


Well-Known Member
im on my frist grow also and switch to 12/12 4 dayz ago. In about a 1 week or 2 the plant should show its sex. i dont know how long before buds start comeing out. guessing about 3-4 weeks before u see some bud


Well-Known Member
You will start to see buds about 3 weeks after you change over to 12/12! You have to remind yourself that this is all a process! It takes time........from beging to end. It will come bro..!!!!
def lowkster..i understand that 100%..im jst wondering bc i was told 2 look for sex early, ..i guess i shoulda said how long till i can deterimine sex..1st grow, jst dnt wanna mess anything up, so im all over them..


Well-Known Member
my 1st grow is going well for being my frist time i think. how long do u veggi ur gurls and what strain r they? bagseed ?
i Vgd them 28 days..there round 10"..right now..im scared there gonna be 2 big..so i LST'd them..i hope it works...like i said, its my 1st....i have 4 bag seed, which are the bigs right now, there my lab rats. i have 4 master kush and 3 i brought fromn the bahamas..cant WAIT 2 se that 1...hoping for the best...but ill probly ruin it somehow..there starting 2 yellow round the edges dwn below..i have no accu stat and no PH test'n...so im guessing im not gonna get 2 far..but well see..


Well-Known Member
nice u should get ur self a ph tester from wally world. i veggi mines 31 dayz the were 7-9 inches when i place them in 12/12 and in 4 dayz they already grew another 4-6 inches. mines r bagseed to but i want some bubble gum/white widow so bad kinda scared to order them think ill wait till these r done

what soil/nutes u useing?


Well-Known Member
fell free to check my thread out in the newbi section the name is: newbi 20 day old bags seed 400 watter