When will you bitches flower?! (Pix)


Active Member
I've been flowering 5 plants for about 2 weeks and I dont see any flowers. I don't use a timer and I just switch off/on the lights 12/12 only about a few minutes off each time. Does it have to be EXACTLY 12/12? or is it ok if im a few minutes off? Any suggestions would be great. thnx

(All growing conditions are excellent: good water schedule, nutes, lights, complete darkness, soil, fresh lookin green leaves etc.)

also, do they look normal (size and everythin) for 7and half week plants?
this is my first grow, i knew nothin bout ganja plants except smokin for the past 10yrs



Active Member
ah ha! patience was the answer. thnx guys

by the way, fuck the popo. this lady officer on my campus pulled me over and jacked 7joints from me today and jus let me go. she said "we gonna have a party tonite at mah house"....sigh..:confused:
san diego cops are stuck up stoners