Where are the helpers?


Well-Known Member
I have been a member on this site for about 1 month now. It looks to me like most of the members are newbies(including myself), we are all trying to help eachother, but we are just guessing. i am trying to learn more each day and that means reading, i hate reading but have been doing lots lately, i have to if i wanna learn right?. Any ways my questions are..

1. How exactly does the rank system work? newbie to experienced grower

2. Where are the moderators and or experienced helpers when you need them?

I realize that we all have lives and can't be here all the time, but at the same time i wonder what you need to do to get noticed. I doubt if anyone will even read this.. i hope you prove me wrong!
Sorry for that, but the help was sent home early due to big hurricane that's about to hit! Lol

What you need help with?

You can always write us messages when needed.
Vote that was was a 2 part question LoL. The first 1 was about how exactly the ranking works. The second was is it rude to PM bassically thats waht it was.. thanx for quick responses
Okay maybe im confuzed rank rep thing. I am also new to computers BTW. You start as a stranger, member, sr. member, then what? This is how long you've been a member for obviously. Then there is the rep thing agian you start as, Learning to roll, Able to roll, then what comes next?
Hi Major.. sorry that your questions have not been answered.... we try our best.....

I agree.. mr. vote is a very very useful resource!!!!!!!

A lot of people PM me and I can not answer all the PMs it is better to post your questions in the forums...

I'm new to the forum and I'm used to other forums. I'd say that the most confusing part of the "rank" system that he's asking about is that there are two different rank categories.

There's the top rank that is like, member, senior member, mod, super-hi-god-like-dude. And then there's a lower rank that goes like, stranger, stoner, learning to roll, able to roll a joint, mr. ganja, pot head, stoner.

And I'm not particuarly rank oriented so I don't care what rank I ever get to. I learned a long time ago that rank means more work and frankly, I like to work for cash...this stuff is just fun. But I get what he's asking. I don't know why some of my titles are changing and wouldn't mind knowing why.
lol, yes very nice rack! I'm not really into ranks as well. I just like to read and help others out if able to do so. What I have noticed is that my rank keeps going up, so I figured it was because of all my posts, not how long I've been a member. You could be a member for years and still not know what your doing. Right? Hell for all that metters a person could have been growing for years and years and still not know what they are doing. Like me (lol).
Maybe if you research the term Powered by THC Lite v.2.0.5, you might find something on it. I did see there is something about what moderators are under the FAQ. While I'm curious about this, I'm a bit late for work, so maybe I'll try that googling I mentioned later on today.
sometimes i catch myself just staring at widow's avatar lol, major in the late 80's-early 90's, i pulled off quite a few nice grows outdoors.. just making a comeback this year i had never grown indoors before, i consider myself a noob again lol..and no matter how many "grows" you have under your belt there will always be something new to learn, if i can help in any way i will be glad to.