Where can I buy ladybugs?


Well-Known Member
First of all, say where you are from. You don't want to be ordering from the other side of the world.

You won't find anyone selling thousands of them, but you will find smaller amounts which will be plenty for you. If you have a bug infestation you want to control, inside or out, just set them free on your plants and they will do their work.

If there is enough bugs to keep them living then they will eat through a fair amount of bugs. The adults can lay up to 30-50 (if i recall correctly) eggs a day and will reproduce to keep the chain going.

If there is not enough bugs to keep them alive, well that's a good thing. Problem sorted, just keep it from happening again.

A quick Google search for ladybugs along with your region of the world will find the nearest breeder/seller of ladybugs. Most are wild caught, so the quantities are not huge. Only certain types are captive farmed.

You are not supposed to release wild caught into the wild in your area due to the risk of spreading parasites that are not already in your region.


Well-Known Member
yes in other words they'll fuck up your areas ladybugs

read up on green lacewing?

Jar Man

Active Member
Not sure if it's too late in the season but usually bigger nurseries stock them or can order a box of 1000 for you. Even w/large grow it's an overkill unless you have an epidemic spider mite infestation. But they do the trick.
Not sure if it's too late in the season but usually bigger nurseries stock them or can order a box of 1000 for you. Even w/large grow it's an overkill unless you have an epidemic spider mite infestation. But they do the trick.

Thanks for that ... I never knew this !!


Well-Known Member
Most garden stores stock them, just call ahead to make sure. You can also buy them online at places like amazon.com! Personally, I've tried ladybugs and noticed they make hardly any difference! 90% of them will fly away within a day and the other 10% will usually be gone within a week. Also all those ladybugs tend to fly into or land on your light, cooking them and making a mess of your grow room... Unless your outdoors I would highly suggest against them.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Ladybugs work great home depot carrys them online. Their is a trick to releasing those hoes tho. Mostly water and some soda in a spray bottle . After u spray them they cant fly away they will just end up fucking. Then they eat by the time the soda water dries and releases its sticky grip they feel right at home!


Well-Known Member
most of the time you can find them in a container of 1500. its not really overkill since some will die during shipping and others will die after being released or will find a way to leave the garden. i buy locally from a hydro store and use as a preventative. release during lights out otherwise they will just fly around. the may appear dead when you get them but thats usually just because they were refrigerated. they will liven up as they warm up. goodluck


we get ours at local nursery. they really put a dent in my spider mite population and for the most part stayed in my tent. I have a 2 by 4 foot with one or two plants. usually go with 50-100 lady bugs, seems to get most but not all of the mites. would recommend for sure.


New Member
if you are not legal,ladybugs are a dead giveaway to LEO in case of a knock and talk.If you are infested,get Mighty Wash and some bug bombs before you introduce bugs.Lady bugs and or prediter mites won't overcome an infestation w/o a little help


Well-Known Member
You'll be able to pick 1500 of them at an Ace hardware nursery for $10 bugs. These lady bugs saved my girls multiple times. I hope they clears up your problem.