Where can I get education to get into the growing/marijuana field as a job?

Seems like collages and even universities are offering programs these days lol (where legal, I'm in sounthern Alberta, Canada)

Prices are ridiculous though. I took a botany course a few years back, it's double now, and honestly, might be better served going to chapters and buying the books they use in thier courses and go through them yourself.

Then ask questions on forums like this.
You can get a BS In Botany online from Oregon State University. Their Agricultural Sciences department is very good. It will cost you $62K and change though. It's not cheap but you'll learn a lot about plants and be able to find work making a decent living outside of growing cannabis if needed. You might be eligible for financial aid that doesn't need to be paid back to help with the cost.

Whatever you do, don't waste any money on those cannabis specific online academies that give you a worthless certificate that prospective employers just laugh at and will likely put you in the "Do not hire" pile of applicants.
Curious what's out there and if there's anything accessible online.
No I don't think there is much opportunity for a grower/farmer because on top of knowing how to grow well, you also have to have solid product/s to grow and a lot of money to invest. Most the big farms and a lot of little ones in the recreational market get bought out by big corporations that don't know how to grow, but they have money, they get crappy products and have "Their guy" try to grow it. That's why all the bud at the dispensary looks like Hemp and just gives you a headache lol
Growers used to be able to sell their excess flowers or products like concentrates or edibles to the dispensary, now you have to be licensed by the state and there is only so many licenses, license can cost over 1 million dollars, and they all have grower/farmers already. A lot of them are struggling to stay open because they don't have good products and don't care because they know the public will buy anything if the price is right! That's why they give away free pre-rolls if you leave a review, or a free grinder if you buy an ounce. They have to basically con you into buying their old, moldy, three year old flavorless weed with seeds in it because they would rather not pay extra to hire someone like you that actually had an interest...