Where can i get good female seeds

Im trying to find good female seeds to start growing. i have seeds I have got from bags but I had a male i spent alot of time on and that pissed me off

I know some people who buy some stuff through the mail but I have always been kinda sketched to do that but i really wanna get good seeds any advice ?
Seedsman's a sponsor here has great seeds. Another place is New420GuySeeds. I am growing their seeds now and they are very nice strong plants. I have also gotten nice deals on the Single Seed Centre and the plants were strong and healthy too.
Im trying to find good female seeds to start growing. i have seeds I have got from bags but I had a male i spent alot of time on and that pissed me off

I know some people who buy some stuff through the mail but I have always been kinda sketched to do that but i really wanna get good seeds any advice ?
Neptune seeds, seeds here now, Oregon elite seeds, those are a few off the top of my head
We all understand the apprehension about sending off a blank money order to an unknown recipient....
I'll tell you this... there are US seedbanks that WILL deliver the goods.
Check out the seedbanks reviews forum here on RIU.
I've dealt with The DC Seed Exchange and Great Lakes Genetics.
Both have impeccable reputations.
Do it man, it will change your life for the better.
Where in mass? i can drive to mass thats not a terrible drive

From Dc Seed Exchange. https://dcseedexchange.com/seeds/

MASS MEDICAL is the breeder, DCSE is the seedbank. Useful Seeds are also sold there and ppl here love those. I just planted some Useful Seeds so I cant really comment on quality. Ive grown MASS MEDICAL strains, prayer pupil + Grape.

DC Seed Exchange takes plastic online, if u have questions u can call Paul also.
I live in US, and have always ordered seeds online, usually from Attitude Seed Bank, which I'm pretty sure is headquartered in Amsterdam. Have made 4 or 5 big orders over the years... no real issues.

Since marijuana seeds in and of themselves are not illegal to own/posses, even in non legal states, you'll have no issues.

I always buy the "discreet" packaging when I order (which usually means it comes wrapped in a T-shirt, not in the original packaging). I once had my package arrive, it had been opened, and had a pink paper taped to it, saying that it was opened at the customs center in NY... my shirt was there, my seeds were there, and I had no issue then, nor ever.

Not sure if that makes the prospect of buying online MORE sketchy.. but in my mind, it proves that even if the absolute WORST happens (customs finding your shipment), nothing terrible will come of it, because again, the seeds arent illegal to own, only to grow (and only in the 18 stats where marijuana isnt even partially legal).

With marijuana being fairly mainstream, and legal in some form or another across majority of the country, I wouldnt concern myself too much with the purchasing of the seeds.

If your paranoia still has the best of ya, go ahead and find a US based seed bank, so the package isnt going through customs.. and I'm sure others can recommend US seed banks/strains.

Hope this helps!
If you want good female seeds there's plenty of places around, if you want the BEST female seeds go to humboldtcsi.com
I typically use Sensible Seeds. They're based in the UK but I get them in Oregon in under a week. They have hundreds of offering from breeders all around the world including the US. They have good deals and lots of freebies. Many options for payment including bitcoin which is what I've always used.