Where can i grow safely??? HELP!

Ok, so i have all the proper equipment to grow but i have nowhere to grow due to the fact that the people i live with dislike weed in every way possible. I was thinking of getting a nice sized trailer and growing in their, but then what could i use as a power supply? I was thinking of putting solar panels on it, but that is way to much $$ for me and i would not nearly have enuff power to grow. If and when i do grow where would be a safe place to grow and a place i could grow year round with a good power supply and not a genorator that is way too loud.
So tell me what you guys think i should do??...
for that much effort, tbh, just don't. You'd probably be best off renting a small house for all the shit it looks like you're talking about, a trailer you'd have a hell of a time with heat ect. You can always try a small box grow with a strain like Nirvana Northern Lights Auto that doesn't give off a smell, or doing an outside grow which iss way too late in the year. Look through at some of the small box grows and find a decent, cheap way to do small box grow, or a computer case grow sounds like it could be perfect for you. Check out some of the computer grows and you can probably get away with that around other people.
I would say outside but you already have all the equipment Im presuming for a nice setup indoor grow so you probably wouldn't wanna go that road. Cranker is on the money with a box grow, stealthy and discreet and you could make it easy since you have already purchases most of the equipment. Another possibility would be to set it up in a closet but idk if that would work because I dont know what your circumstances really are. Anyway you look at this a larger scale grow would be impossible if you continued to live with these people.
Good Luck