Where did My Reservoir Water Go?

So my reservoir (100gal) had dropped some in the last few days, and I had decided to top it off. I have a hose running from a spigot outside my house, under the ground and into a shed where I have my room.

I recently purchased an inexpensive filter that connects ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0010EEVR8 ) to this hose. When I filled the res initially I used an RO filter, but that took forever (literally like 3 days straight of filling at all waking hours), so I decided to try this. When I was done I walked out, closed up the room, disconnected the filter/hose and went in side. This was 3 hours ago.

I just went back in and my reservoir was BONE dry. There was no water in either of my trays (4x8 and 3x6), nor was there any apparent leakage on the floor. I checked along the length of the hose and couldn't find any leaks.

??? I am seriously confused. This was at least 60 gallons of water, gone, without a trace.

Could there hagve been a sort of negative suction created (think syphon) when I disconnected the filter, that sucked it all out (the in-room end of the hose just sits in the res when not in use)? I even looked as mucha s I could under the shed... didn't seem wet at all.

Help? lol


Well-Known Member
I bet my house you disconnected the hose outside of your hou:joint:se and left the other end in your reservoir.

:lol: thats hilarious... not to mention useful for the future. better than finding that there's a small underground lake under my shed, thanks haha


Well-Known Member
No problem.

I don't think I've done this with a reservoir, but one day I filled up the hot tub and then shut the water off at the house. I undid the hose, too, and let it drop. I came out a couple of hours later and 300 gallons had disappeared! haha
Lesson learned..