Where did " The Hippy " go you ask ? ....explanation embedded here.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Hi everybody.
First off I'd like to say thanks for all the concern as to where I have gone. I really appreciate people wondering what happened to me. I also appreciate the contact from all behind the scenes here.
I'd like to start off by saying/giving my apologies to the administrators/moderators for breaking a rule. I never did it intentionally and was completely unaware that I was doing anything wrong.
Yes, I inadvertently I had broken a rule that is listed in the rules and terms of use of the site. But certainly had not done so on purpose by any means. I was simply trying to do a good deed for someone else on the website and had no idea that I was going against a policy of roll it up.
So yes I must admit I had broken a rule and apparently this system will automatically put you in a bad boys time out if you break 3 rules. The first two rules I had broken previously were for name-calling etc. Which of course happens around here on a daily basis and is sometimes dealt with and other times I see it being let go completely. But anyway I am not denying I had done that and had received warnings for it previous to what actually got me in a timeout situation.
Even though I was trying to contract Administration I was unable to read any responses as to why my account was not working correctly. Yes Sunni did PM me, but that was pointless as it would not be able to read them. I assume that fact had to be known. I also assumed that the website was having a database error because that is what I was being shown when I try to use my account in any way. If I was logged in it would not allow me to view private messages or respond or do anything for that matter. So I was unaware for quite some time as to why my account was not working correctly. And because I was not notified in a way that I was able to actually access the information, I was in the dark. I did eventually learn what had happened but still could not respond back to any Moderators or Administration. I think this part of their system here is quite unfair and treats a person like they are a child in reality. If I had been given a straight explanation that I could actually access and read then I would have understood what I had done wrong. But because I could not even read the private messages that the moderators had sent me I was assuming there was something wrong with the website because of the database error. This error led to Administration and the moderators thinking I was trying to post the same thing over and over as I was told by them that I had tried to make the same post 15 different times. And each time I made the post it did not seem to want to take into the system or be able to view. What was actually going on was the moderators were deleting each post as I put them in and I was assuming there was a technical error with the website that was causing the post to be deleted or not to be accepted by the system. I had no idea it was somebody reading the posts and decided they were not OK for the website. Once again a very unfair system. I was not contacted and told stop posting that it's not allowed here. I certainly would have done that if I was aware that I was even breaking a rule in the first place. When I move on to explain the rule that I did break I think most of you who read this will find it to be completely ridiculous and unfair. Especially in the spirit of which I had made the post in the first place which was purely out of trying to help somebody else.
Yes I fully admit it is my fault for breaking the final rule but as I have stated I was unaware of that and did not do it to cause an issue with the moderators. If someone would have simply send me a message and said hey stop making that post I certainly would have, even though I don't quite understand the whole reason for it. But of course I'm not the one who makes the rules around here. I am supposed to follow the rules and most of the time try to do that unless I'm angered by something I find ridiculous that is said. Then I can resort to the usual nonsense that happens here at times. So my account got put on discourage mode. The same thing as saying " fuck off for a while ". The 3rd warning got me put on a sort of temp ban. They call it discourage mode.

Okay now on to the reason for my account being unusable for more than 30 days is as follows.
This is the explanation that I was told in a PM in my own words....

I must be careful I suppose that I do not repeat the same mistake here and post the same type of information that caused me to get the spanking in the first place. Once again my intention is not to profit or to make money in any way.
I am simply an individual person who is not connected to any companies or organizations or LP's or dispensaries or compassion clubs. I'm just a guy like everybody else on here who does his own thing in his own place.
So here's the mistake I made and this is the reason that I got the heave-ho and was not allowed to come here and even explain what I had done.
I had made a post that was offering some used equipment for free to a fellow member that I had named directly in the post. This member had expressed that he would like to start growing his own medicine but was short on funds to purchase some of the equipment he needed. I was offering to give him some of my used equipment free of charge and was not trying to profit or promote anything. I simply wanted to help the guy out but I'd made the mistake of posting that publicly, Which I guess is against the rules. I don't quite understand that rule but I do understand that they would not want people to be selling things on here or even trading things. This was new information to me and yes it is in the rules and terms but I had not read that which is my fault. All I wanted to do was help out a person who did not have enough income at the time with some equipment that I basically do not have any use for anymore. I guess you are not allowed to do that. I'm sure there will be discussion on here about it and I want to make it quite clear I am not doing the same thing again so moderators don't assume I'm trying to re-post the same information from before. I won't offer anything to anyone on here ever again. Seems a shame...but no problem. I will not include any details of the original offer and I will not include the other members name here. I had mistakenly used his user name in my first posting more than a month ago. Yes I had tried to make the same post 15 times according to the moderators, which is probably correct. I simply thought there was an error with the website and was unaware that my posts were being deleted for breaking the rules which I fully admit was my fault. Anyway as they say if you do the crime you must do the time and that is what happened in the end. I am not denying that I apparently had reached my maximum limit for warnings. What I do think is unfair is that the last warning was simply for trying to do a good deed for someone else here. I was not trying to cause trouble in any way as I've explained several times in this post. All I wanted to do as I'm going to repeat is give something to someone who could not afford to buy something for themselves. I still don't see what is wrong with that but I will not do that again as apparently helping someone else around here is not allowed. I think most of you will question this is well as I certainly wasn't trying to sell anything and I was asking for no money in any way and made it completely clear in the post that it was free free free. I guess that is not allowed and I can go with that if that's what they want to do here.
So once again I appreciate everybody wondering where I went and I felt quite bad I could not come here and explain my mistake or even apologize for making the mistake in the first place. It even makes me wonder whether this explanation will get pulled and I will get told once again to go away. I believe there could be a more fair way to let a member know that he has done something wrong. This would be better than simply disabling his account and treating him like a child or a fool. I do not go on many forums and have devoted most of my time and attention to this website. I felt I have contributed here quite a bit whether it is good or bad. Of course that's a matter of opinion. I feel it would have been more fair to allow me to read the private message ( at least ) that I was being sent explaining to me why my account wouldn't work or even an email to the email account that I have listed in my contact info here. Just locking a person out with no explanation is very unfair especially in the light of the fact that I was trying to be a good guy and not a bad guy. It's pretty juvenile to offer nothing to the wrong doer. Even a kid gets told why he's got to " go to his room "
I again apologize to the administration and the moderators for breaking that rule. I think it would be a good idea if maybe it was explained to us why it is you are not allowed to give somebody something on this website. From one private individual to another. If that is the rule I will respect it of course. I just don't understand it really. I do understand how they would not want people selling things or making deals that would involve compensation. Of course Admin can get involved in whatever might be going on here and just make a rule that it is not allowed at all. I don't dispute they are the owners and operators. I am trying to understand the gifting and giving part of it. But I'm cool with whatever they want to do in that respect. It makes me wonder if you are even allowed to private message another person and say hey I don't need this particular item anymore would you like to have it for free? I would now be even nervous to do that because once again I don't want to break the rules.
Truth !
Did they tell you of these warnings?

Slowly but ya it is, I've wondered over to IG a few times...
I only saw my two previous warning for language and insults. Not the one for offering free stuff. It's in the rules...I didn't know it would be wrong to give. I essentially got timed out for charity. that's what seems strange to me ?
As Sunni mentioned this BS "discouraged mode" is built into this website software, in vBull it's called "miserable user mode". Basicly it's a so called "tool" to give narcissistic, and egotistical administrators and moderators a way to fuk with users.

Rather than just having the gonads to ban them outright with a proper explanation "that they can read", they get to watch the user squirm trying to access the website to try and figure out WTF is going on.

And of course they didn't email you hippy, you've been a PITA in their eyes, this was payback pure and simple. Plus it makes the game more fun to them knowing you don't know WTF happened. They're not stupid, they knew you couldn't read your PM with the "explaination"...again all part of the game for them.

So in the spirit of hippy's such kind and so very generous offer to help a fellow brethren in need....
As Sunni mentioned this BS "discouraged mode" is built into this website software, in vBull it's called "miserable user mode". Basicly it's so called "tool" to give narcissistic, and egotistical administrators and moderators a way to fuk with users.

Rather than just having the gonads to ban them outright with a proper explanation that they can read, they get to watch the user squirm trying to access the website to try and figure out WTF is going on.

And of course they didn't email you hippy, you've been a PITA in their eyes, this was payback pure and simple plus it makes the game more fun to them knowing you don't know WTF happened. They're not stupid, they knew you couldn't read your PM with the "explaination"...again all part of the game for them.

So in the spirit of hippy's such kind and so very generous offer to help a fellow brethren in need....

this is simply untrue

every other user whos ever been on discouraged user mode is able to read pm's the hippy has been the only one who cannot. (i have no reason as to why it happened. maybe it was his internet plus being on discouraged user mode...im not sure? ) i get pm;s and write back all the time from discouraged users. no problems.

I contacted hippy several times, if you mean email by private email i was requested by several users to privately email off the forum . Thats not my job.

im not required to use my personal email to email users about their account. I know that sounds harsh but think of it realistically this is a marijuana growing forum, i dont have to email outside the forum because a user is on slow down mode.
try to see outside the box on that one.

theres no need to call the staff members here names we are real people we dont deserve your below the belt shots.

hippy is not a PITA in my eyes, at all. ive got no issues with him as a person, and he knows this.

advertisers can give away free items, users cannot sell, trade, gift, or handout, whatever the heck you wanna call it as per our lawyers advisement.
advertisers have their own lawyers they are actual businesses, where as users are our liability, from what i was told by the owner of the website it can get our forum shut down if users do this. so we are told not to allow it to happen.

hope that makes it a little more understandable to you
As Sunni mentioned this BS "discouraged mode" is built into this website software, in vBull it's called "miserable user mode". Basicly it's a so called "tool" to give narcissistic, and egotistical administrators and moderators a way to fuk with users.

Rather than just having the gonads to ban them outright with a proper explanation "that they can read", they get to watch the user squirm trying to access the website to try and figure out WTF is going on.

And of course they didn't email you hippy, you've been a PITA in their eyes, this was payback pure and simple. Plus it makes the game more fun to them knowing you don't know WTF happened. They're not stupid, they knew you couldn't read your PM with the "explaination"...again all part of the game for them.

So in the spirit of hippy's such kind and so very generous offer to help a fellow brethren in need....
Well Asisde from the " narcissistic, and egotistical administrators and moderators a way to fuk with users." part..yup that what it basically ends up doing and being. Quite insulting to someone who has helped build posts here. Especially being a charity thing. But hey if that's the rule, fine.
i assume because cars arent illegal in some parts of the world like seeds, cuttings, etc are.
Well yeah that would be illegal..bongsmilie?. Items along the lines of equipment, pipes, glass, group buys even trades services.