Where do I get activated carbon??

Panda Bear

Okay I went to wal mart I found one brand but it was for under water or something is that the same kind of carbon I can us??
I also went to petco and onl found the blue box ones. Can anybody point me in theright direction?


Well-Known Member
hydro store. That is if you need bulk , or anything over 10 pounds, I'm sure that will cost you at the pet store. Hydro store you can get it for 3-4 dollars a pound.


Well-Known Member
Any activated carbon will work. The pet store or walmart carbon is mostly all the same and will work fine but the duration in which it will work will be shorter. You can buy vapor phase rated carbon which is often made from bisthmus coal and it will last much longer in a scrubber but you will likely have to order it online and buy in bulk.


Well-Known Member
My activated carbon lasted me an entire year or 5-6 harvests before it began weakening out on me. I purchased the stuff from the pet store. If you want to build your own carbon filter, the link below is the link I followed for my instructions. This thing works great and will help you save money (not necessarily time):leaf:

Of course if you buy a new filter you can (if you're handy enough and have access to a few simple fittings) make it refillable . I work in a sheet metal shop and built one almost identical to the one in that link, it holds like 15 pounds of charcoal and pulls air thru 2 inches of it. One thing that will shorten life is a very humid environment. How much are you paying at a pet store for it? We have plenty of hydro shops here and they sell it about as cheap as anyone and its def the right stuff for the purpose.