Where do you get VEGGIE seeds?

Adaptive Seeds
Artisan Seeds
Baker Creek
Bounty Hunter Seeds
Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes
Cultive ta Rue (France)
Delectation of Tomatoes
Galactc Magic Seeds
Harris Seeds (great for Northeast USA growers)
Hazzard's Home Gardener
Heritage Seed Market
High Mowing seeds
J&L Gardens
Johnnny's Selected Seeds
Kitazawasa Seeds
Kokopelli (France)
Little Shop of Seeds
Michigan Heirlooms
Mr. Tomatohead: (Etsy)
NE Seeds
Ohio Heirloom Seed
Osborne Quality Seeds
Pinetree superseeds
Quail Seeds
Renaissance Farms
Renee's Garden Seeds
Restoration Seeds
Sandhill Preservation Center
Secret Seed Cartel
Seeds 'n Such
Seed Savers
Siskiyou Seeds
Territorial Seeds
Timeless Tomatoes
TomatoFifou (France)
Tradewinds Fruit
Vertiloom (EU)
Victory Seed
Uprising Seeds
Wildboar Farms
Wild Garden Seed
Woodland Creationz:
I typically get most from the garden center . I use harris and johhnys for things i cant find on the shelf
Gurneys sends a catalog to me every yr. Dont know why never bought from them or ordered a catalog but if they stop printing and randomly sending catalogs out they might be able to do better on their prices…..A86EE612-63E7-46E2-A159-428ECB917E5E.jpeg
10 bell pepper seeds for 7 bucks hahahaha
I buy seeds sold be the weight not per seed.
whatever is at the big box stores and west coast seeds for anything special I can’t find. -usually just get nematodes for the lawn from them.
I've found getting young starts from the local garden center to be worth the money. Growing certain crops from seed was a pain, so I just got flats of babies and planted them. They also have lots of heirloom varieties if you wanted to start from seeds.i mainly did tomatoes, peppers and potatoes as they're fairly simple and provide lots of food for the effort. Hope you get some good veggies.