Where do you get your veggie seeds from?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at doing an indoor winter garden. Looking at the following: Padron peppers, Butterhead lettuce, Green Magic broccoli, Space strain Spinach. I'd also like to get a thornless everbearing raspberry.

Johnny's seeds has everything I'm looking for, but butterhead lettuce cultivars are $12-15 per pack, and they're pelleted. Urban farmer has the strain of lettuce I'm looking for, but they don't have padron peppers or space strain spinach... like, not to be a cheapass, but I don't want to pay $5 shpiping for an envelope with a single pack of seeds... Anyone know where I can at least get the veggie seeds all in one place? I know I'll have to special order the raspberry from somewhere.
Park seed, Burpee (source), Annie's heirloom, Fedco seeds, are some I've used. Don't some places specialize more in shrubs and fruit bearing bushes? You may have to have 2 orders at least, bush from one, seed from another. Also check Amazon. Good Luck!

I've had good luck with some of the small seed producers on Amazon when looking for uncommon seeds. It helps to have a wife who loves to read reviews.
We scavenged quite a few seeds or "cuttings" from store produce over the years. Tomatoes are super easy; buy a really nice tomato you'd like to grow, put a slice of it in soil, separate the seedlings. Easy peasy. Garlic is also super easy, only plant the largest cloves to grow the largest heads.
We've got some old Marconi pepper seeds that finally germinated... in addition to that, I have a bunch of dried anchos and guajillos (marisol and poblano peppers) so I am attempting to germinate those, too. I'd like to grow padron peppers because they are a favorite snack. We'll be growing these indoors all winter, and then I will probably prep some clones in spring.

I do have a sprouted onion in the grow tent already... the other veggies I mentioned, I have selected certain strains based on heat resistance and plant size. Can't do store produce for some of those because they would bolt.