Where is the magnesium and calcium?


Well-Known Member
In any of these ingredients

  • Canadian sphagnum peat moss (60-75%)
  • Peat humus (except 2 cu ft comp.)
  • Compost (except 2 cu ft comp.)
  • Perlite
  • Gypsum
  • Limestone (for pH adjustment)
  • Organic fertilizer
  • Mycorrhizae - PTB297 Technology
  • Coir / coconut fibre (2 cu ft comp. only)
Where is the cal mag located? Or in the seed starting mix, where do I find the calcium and magnesium? Do I need the cal mag? I might need a suggestion
In your tap water ( municipal)
Are you sure it's enough? The grow light instructions said and I quote "You may add more calcium and magnesium than noranlly needed"

I do not want to add anything more than necessary, but I also do not want to shit my pants when I observe the next deficiency, I'll be on here blowing up the forum