Where next for the Us Military ??


Well-Known Member
So , the war machine is leaving Iraq , where to next ?
Pakistan ?
N Korea ?
Iran ?
Syria ?
Middle East ?


Well-Known Member
N Korea's leader had a heart attack on Saturday and died.
Yes i just saw this on NEWS 24 , kinda what prompted my post , very dangerous regime , Iran is also worrying , and the state of Syria , Assad is a stuborn mofo and smarter and more powerful than Gadaffi ever was...


Well-Known Member
yeah, north korea gotta be looking good right now.They don't have Arec Barwin anymore.


Mexico probably .. lol for the drug war .

If you listen to some of the republican presidential candidates they want to send US drones and aircraft above the US border . And also send troops there. .

Worst part is that theyre actually serious about it :/


Well-Known Member
War is not good , i was not trying to spread joy on the subject , lets hope as Cannabineer says "they go home" ...
never said it was but I suppose we can sit back and wait for someone just like north korea to nuke us or one of our allies , is that what your solution would be? wait it out and hope they don't use this technology they're surely advancing on and fully intend to use? would you like to wait?


Well-Known Member
never said it was but I suppose we can sit back and wait for someone just like north korea to nuke us or one of our allies , is that what your solution would be? wait it out and hope they don't use this technology they're surely advancing on and fully intend to use? would you like to wait?
Look im Portuguese lol living in the Uk , closest we have to nukes is fireworks lol , i had no right even starting this thread , see what cheese does to me , what i meant to say was you seem like a top bloke....ahahaa =)


Well-Known Member
Look im Portuguese lol living in the Uk , closest we have to nukes is fireworks lol , i had no right even starting this thread , see what cheese does to me , what i meant to say was you seem like a top bloke....ahahaa =)
oh in that case, yeah I am the top bloke! I'm calling norad, you might wanna seek shelter underground!


Well-Known Member
Would be nice to see the troops come home... but... wont happen.

My guess is Iran is next.
Maybe , but Iran is a very large country , a very different prospect to Iraq , unthinkable really , would be like invading Russia or China , mooohassive!


Well-Known Member
Mexico probably .. lol for the drug war .

If you listen to some of the republican presidential candidates they want to send US drones and aircraft above the US border . And also send troops there. .

Worst part is that theyre actually serious about it :/
Ow there's already drones there.They found one that fell out the sky in Mexico.Not the recent drone found by I forgot who.


Well-Known Member
Nukes, everyone is scared of them, and no one's gonna use them. If N.Korea Launches, we launch...then so does anyone who might suffer from fallout from those launches and so on and so forth until the entire Earth is covered in so much fallout that we all die.

It's the same scenario over and over, every time it's run...one country launches, then there's retaliation, then all out nuclear war, and then nothing left.


Probably eh . Damn americans lol . .

And yeah that was in Iran or something haha. America denied it was theres too i think .

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...they say if you walk a straight line in the desert you'll end up back where you started. Machines are expensive :roll: and there's a mother load of pointed fingers out there. I vote for sending people home too. My optimism should not be recounted here though.