Where the hell is my buddy Loud Blunts ?

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Well-Known Member
What the hell happened while i was gone,ive been looking around & alot of the experienced old timers are gone,is loudblunts still around & if not whats the deal ?

There are other good senior members that ive yet to see post as well like Filthyfletch.

Any info ??


Well-Known Member
Im guessing SS is skunk school, i really never liked the way that site was set up. RIU is so much better laid out for me.
Ive never even been to that site,for me its about the people,lotsa guy's are gone from RIU & it's not as good of a site because of it,hopefully whatever is causing these members to split will come to an end.

I still dont know why they all split,i took a 4 month break,came back & all the old heads split :confused:


Well-Known Member
Ive never even been to that site,for me its about the people,lotsa guy's are gone from RIU & it's not as good of a site because of it,hopefully whatever is causing these members to split will come to an end.

I still dont know why they all split,i took a 4 month break,came back & all the old heads split :confused:
they are all over there.
Loud Blunts
the whole 9

they said they were tired of how this site was ran.


Well-Known Member
I know where he is, but if I tell you I'll be banned. New rules and all. :D I know where the Mrs. is, too.


New Member
Maybe a couple of those people are experienced. I wouldn't classify loudblunts as one of them. RIU has way too much talent for all this "glory daze" bullshit.


Well-Known Member
There was a mass banning which paid off for both.. RIU stopped anyone from mentioning any other site.. and SS got a big boost.... I'm at both,... plus 3 others on occ. both have their +'s -'s.. A lot of tech advice there.. a bigger more rapid interaction here... sadly some great people were lost over trivial childish issues..
yes some deserved the boot but not all....


Well-Known Member
Now I see why people have such a wiry hair across their asses about you. :| I'd been wondering what it was.
Thats exactly the sort of "troubles" that started most of the mess... there does seem to be no "let bygones be" here.. not very friendly at times sadly..


stays relevant.
Now I see why people have such a wiry hair across their asses about you. :| I'd been wondering what it was.

Pardon me... I've gotten more than enough fucked up insane messages to absolutely condone that, regardless of how below me it is. and you should know very well who I'm talking about.


stays relevant.
Can anyone post a quote or link to back this up?
People didn't want to obey the rules, they earned infractions, they created accounts spreading lies and spamming other websites. It was a big ole drama that could have been avoided by doing one of two things:

1) Don't agree to rules you don't plan to abide by.
2) Don't come back to the forum.

BUT people reagreed to the rules, and just publicly shit on them. They should have just had more common sense, but they wanted to be little bad asses.

People forget that the goal was to improve the quality of the forum by maintaining a code of conduct.

People acted out as though their rights were being violated... :dunce: :dunce: :lol: :roll:
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