Killer Bud
Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I currently live in NY which is a non-med state so finding people that know how to make BHO is impossible where I am. I have been doing lots of research on making it and feel confident I will be able to make it properly, The only issue I have come upon is finding Food Grade Butane. I have never seen it before or even heard of it before searching BHO. Does anyone know where I can buy it from. Either in a store or online. Im guessing Wal*Mart is a no go on it probably as well as the Food store likes Hannaford, Price Chopper, Shop Rite are also no go's. Would bakerys? I have found cigarette stores sell nitrious oxide so I will check them first but im guess It will also be a fail because people cant huff food grade butane so odds of them actually selling cans of it are slim to none so they wont carry it if people dont buy it.
People where I live think BHO is some special designer drug like X, LOL people really here think dabs are like crack, heroin and crack mixed heroin or some shit. so odds are no ones making it. People here finally found out about medicated candys and foods so chances are people here will know what BHO is by 2014.
People where I live think BHO is some special designer drug like X, LOL people really here think dabs are like crack, heroin and crack mixed heroin or some shit. so odds are no ones making it. People here finally found out about medicated candys and foods so chances are people here will know what BHO is by 2014.