Where to buy Golden Harvest widemouths?


Well-Known Member
I'm only able to find narrow mouthed Golden Harvest locally. I tried a supplier in China 9 months ago and still haven't gotten my jars yet.

Has anyone been able to source the wide mouths? Kerr and friends are 3.5 cup and my "G Jars" have trouble fitting with most strains. The 4 cups (Golden Harvest) are perfect, customers simply don't like the narrow mouth that's available locally.

Any help is appreciated (unless it's a made up lie or advertisement for cvault)


Active Member
Personally, I like the wide-mouthed one quart salsa jars. Easy to clean them up, and the lids let just enough air in, that I don't need to 'burp' them after the first week in the jar. I grow indoors, so size is almost never a problem. If it's too big, I just leave the lid off, with the stem poking out the top, until it shrinks down to size. Also, don't pack them full. I once put a male plant in a plastic trash bag, and sealed it to avoid pollen problems. I wound up with a quart of something that looked like motor oil about a week later.