Thats understandable. I do not support stores that are rediculous just because they are locally owned. However I will support local stores that are reasonable, and often double the online price is really quite reasonable for small items and lower priced items. I know a local store owner that often bases his prices upon a market up over the cost of a large online store. For most items he sells for 100% over the online price.
For an example: If I stupidly have not kept an extra HID bulb on hand and one burns out, paying double the online price is not bad for a local buy that takes 10 minutes versus a wait of 5 days to a week for USPS mail delivery of a like bulb from an online store. The damage to the grow is much higher than the extra money I would have saved buying online. I also buy bulk fertilzers from a local store as the additional market up they put on it is minimal as they can order their fertilizer put on the pallet with mine. A full pallet is cheaper to ship then two seperate half pallet loads shipped seperately. Plus freight costs to a businees is cheaper than to a residence.