where to get 360 degree sprayers for an aero?


Well-Known Member
Besides online or hydro stores, who carries these? Big store name and independents to. When I said independent, I mean like type of store to check in yellow pages. Example(wood glue-lumber, outlet- electrical shop, 1/2" elbows-plumbing) I jus don't know the type of stores that would carry these. What else r they used for?
They are also used for humidification so check HIVAC listings. Also for cooling the outside skin of metal buildings. Try Grainger. They are used in the produce sections of grocery stores, so try restauarants supply houses. For really good ones try Goodrich as they sell spray nozzles, atomisers, foggers, and misters.
I get mine from http://www.emeraldelectronic.com/store/prodpage5.cfm/CategoryID/20000/SubCatID/1851/file.htm
a bag of 100 jets is $61
scroll down and select next page.

Thnx earl but I actually found a hydro store about 20mins away that carries them and they r the same price. My "local" hydro stoe doesn't carry them and they r way over priced. Get this, they want 130 for a 396gph pump! Its the popular 1, ecoflo or sumthin like that. Can't rember the real name but its well known and avaliable on any site for 20. The store I found today sells them for 50. What difference. Their 600w ballest have a difference of 200 and they r the exact same models. I'm glad I found this new place cuz ide rater jus buy my stuff instead of ordering
It costs a lot more to maintain a retail store than an online store so paying more at a locally owned and operated retail store is justified. Somebody must buy enough from them to keep them in business. A local store is quick and that quickness is often needed. I have even had local stores owners give me their home phone numbers as I provide them with enough business that they will open after normal hours for emergency needs. On line stores can't and corporate chain stores like Home Depot won't provide such services. IMHO Supprting Mom and Pop stores is a good thing. Don't get me wrong though as I buy a lot off of eBay and some online stores also.

Great misters. You do not even need grommets to use them. http://www.dripirrigation.com/drip_irrigation_info.php?cPath=39_67&products_id=985

If you want really good mist use a medium pressure pump such as this. http://cgi.ebay.com/Iwaki-Magnet-Pu...cmdZViewItemQQptZBI_Pumps?hash=item35a4cf53a4 Most of the cheap misters are rated at 10 to 12 gallons or more (each) per hour. Gross over kill.

They normally retail for about $300. They have been going for about $50 to $60 on ebay as the guy had a truck load. They will give the misters enough pressure to put out a mist rather than a spray or the typical drizzles provided by low pressure pumps and the commonly used with sprayers/misters such as the little green, blue, or red ones typically used with grommets in aero tubes such as sold by Emerald Electronic and on eBay.
It costs a lot more to maintain a retail store than an online store so paying more at a locally owned and operated retail store is justified. Somebody must buy enough from them to keep them in business. A local store is quick and that quickness is often needed. I have even had local stores owners give me their home phone numbers as I provide them with enough business that they will open after normal hours for emergency needs. On line stores can't and corporate chain stores like Home Depot won't provide such services. IMHO Supprting Mom and Pop stores is a good thing. Don't get me wrong though as I buy a lot off of eBay and some online stores also.
im not disputing any of the facts, thats y ide rather buy from a store then online... but to jack $110 on a $20 item is obserd.. like i said another store a lil outta my way sells it for 50(reasonable cuz if i ordered it would be round the same with shipping, and they need a profit) but $110?!?!?
im not disputing any of the facts, thats y ide rather buy from a store then online... but to jack $110 on a $20 item is obserd.. like i said another store a lil outta my way sells it for 50(reasonable cuz if i ordered it would be round the same with shipping, and they need a profit) but $110?!?!?

Thats understandable. I do not support stores that are rediculous just because they are locally owned. However I will support local stores that are reasonable, and often double the online price is really quite reasonable for small items and lower priced items. I know a local store owner that often bases his prices upon a market up over the cost of a large online store. For most items he sells for 100% over the online price.

For an example: If I stupidly have not kept an extra HID bulb on hand and one burns out, paying double the online price is not bad for a local buy that takes 10 minutes versus a wait of 5 days to a week for USPS mail delivery of a like bulb from an online store. The damage to the grow is much higher than the extra money I would have saved buying online. I also buy bulk fertilzers from a local store as the additional market up they put on it is minimal as they can order their fertilizer put on the pallet with mine. A full pallet is cheaper to ship then two seperate half pallet loads shipped seperately. Plus freight costs to a businees is cheaper than to a residence.
Thats understandable. I do not support stores that are rediculous just because they are locally owned. However I will support local stores that are reasonable, and often double the online price is really quite reasonable for small items and lower priced items. I know a local store owner that often bases his prices upon a market up over the cost of a large online store. For most items he sells for 100% over the online price.

For an example: If I stupidly have not kept an extra HID bulb on hand and one burns out, paying double the online price is not bad for a local buy that takes 10 minutes versus a wait of 5 days to a week for USPS mail delivery of a like bulb from an online store. The damage to the grow is much higher than the extra money I would have saved buying online. I also buy bulk fertilzers from a local store as the additional market up they put on it is minimal as they can order their fertilizer put on the pallet with mine. A full pallet is cheaper to ship then two seperate half pallet loads shipped seperately. Plus freight costs to a businees is cheaper than to a residence.
true dat!!! too all of the above