where to get the gear that E G carried


Well-Known Member
who out their has the gear Elite Genetics offered

I liked the beat E G was marching to, serious everything from a 8 1/2 to a 10 in taste and head easy to grow

by what i hear only one close is rez dawg but they say his gear is hermie pron i have heard it said about E G's gear but its not true unless in all the many beans i have not tried. i have four packs of his beans and busted one frm
each got 1 male 3 females 0 herm

last two weeks i heard a lot of stories read a lot of shit about the man always good to me 7 days deliv fresh beans
best cust serv outrageous quality
hard to believe the stories but must be true sorry but i was only interested in getting best beans for the buck not mans history or past if he did right by me you feel me

now can anyone out here steer me in the direction of an E G replacement for you must have tried both to say it is as good no

thanks for your knowledge and time
peace my bro:peace:
I`m one of J & Lora`s friends. They stayed in my tailor for the summer a few years ago here in Cali. It is always sad when people you know are busted for the cause. A charity auction is being started for them at CannWorld IF anyone would like to contribute ,let earth know. I have most of Elite`s genetics starting from day one and will be making more of his work available at some point.I also have a few of his strains that were never made available. Keep your eyes out under the MC Beans lable.Although I also breed and have seeds of my own,I will always clearly mark all strains by Elite Genetics to give proper credit.Please Keep them in your prayers!


"Stay clear of logic and the farm.
He is a thief."

That statement is BS.
I had a $150 order that I shipped using the wrong postal serv.The order was forwarded to someone that stole the money and THC Farmer still sent my order.
I even got freebees.