wheres the thread for people that cant sleep


Well-Known Member
Hi every fdd2blk made a good thread for us people that cant sleep. I wish i could sleep.I dont even take naps durning the day it blows anyone else out there have the same shit? i also read the thread about people being asshole online. i dont get it i had a couple of people like that in my post i just dont feed into it. where all here for the same reason to talk and learn. i CANT stand when i or someone else rights a thread and no one answeres it like its a stuped queston people forget that they were there once its like you have some grows under your belt and your to good to answere them. anyway im just venting and not talking about anyone inperticaler just venting thanks guys if your reading this for taking the time . MERRY XMAS:hump: ps cant wate for my plant to be ready.:hump:


Well-Known Member
nice im all out of bud my girl is going for a drug test so im not smoking ether it would make it to hard. sweet tooth #3 never smoked it sounds gooooood. and its 2:26am its wierd to me im living in the future compard to you cool. lol


Well-Known Member
i just got some dank and lunesta the other day and i slept 2 full nights for the first time, while using those meds.

i'll add lunesta to my list of modern marvels.


Well-Known Member
i just got some dank and lunesta the other day and i slept 2 full nights for the first time, while using those meds.

i'll add lunesta to my list of modern marvels.
My friend got me some sleeping pills. but I plan to take the recreationally.
*bows head down in shame*