which breed next


Active Member
i got aurora indica and sugar black rose in veg atm i got maxi gom and auto ak in flower

question is what should i buy for my next grow im kinda torn between vanilla kush and barneys farm lsd

any feed back would be great


Well-Known Member
I just got my hands on 10 seeds of Aurora Indica myself. Please post your progress & outcome on that strain so I can compare it to what I harvest down the road. :D


Well-Known Member
+rep man, those are some very nice & green looking plants. Keep the photos coming along, I want to see how big you can get them to be. :)


Well-Known Member
they got at least another 6 weeks in veg til my autos are finished fingers crossed i dont have any problems
Nice, going the full 8 weeks in veg before throwing them into 12/12? Good man I say. Are you going to run them on a perpetual harvest or just grow them all the way through to maturity?


Active Member
ill be growing the aurora and black rose to the end then setting up my t5s to veg my next lot using the 600 to just veg for 18hours is a bit ott just using it now because i got 2 autos in the tent

ill try veg them as long as i can but when the autos are done the lights get flipped ill be growing them in 18L pots not sure what that is in gallons


Well-Known Member
sagmantha;doublebubble berry great plant the bud stinks and it smokes realy nice tight buds that weigh heavy.ak47 x northern lights from samsarah this plant will give you a massive ammount per plant if under a decent light and the grow room is keyed perfect.kannabias bcn diesel great plant massive amount per plant grow perfect with the other two that i have said,but if you dont have much room,then don't flower to big around a foot tall will end up been a 3/4 ft plant with nice tight nodes.Keep the lights realy close to the tops of all your grows for max yeild..........tyke