Which chart should I go with for floraseries line?


Well-Known Member
So I’ve been doing some searching for a feed chart .. I’m looking for something simple to follow and if anyone has any experience with any of them .. which would u suggest to use ?
here’s what I have from the floraseries line ..


And here the charts I have in mind 78EFD577-64A2-4339-8ABA-A881B1EFE9F2.jpegA75BF2B2-06B3-4CFB-BDAD-A6D61E79C625.png
these two charts above ⬆️ ⬆️⬆️ Are pretty much the same..

And this one I like cause it includes almost everything I have on hand except for the cal mag and armor so which I can just add at 1ml

I like the first ones also cause it has the ppms range I should be looking for and I also prefer to follow a feed chart by stages and not weeks when growing with photoperiods

Soo I’m thinking of going with this one because it has everything I have on hand minus the cal mag and armor si
But id still like to hear you suggestions which feed chart should i go with?65D1A503-F49F-4C7F-8CCE-B3318BCAA791.png