Which cloning gel/ powder works the best?

I've successfully rooted Viburnum cuttings with powdered root hormone, seems as if gel is considered to be a superior application method based on possibly real world experience, possibly hype (its gel so you know it's got to be better dude!!1!!)

I bought Olivia's cloning gel from the local hydro shop, 2oz bottle for $16.95, when I got home I saw some not so nice reviews on amazon about this product, something about no vitamin B which the roots must have in order root. I'm thinking about taking it back to the store for a refund. What brand of cloning gel/powder do you use? TY.


Plant Prod Stim Root # 2 or #3 powder (depending on the stem thickness of clones) with almost 100% success


Well-Known Member
I use Schultz Take Root. Available anywhere and works great. A key to getting clones to take quickly is to shave off a VERY thin layer of the outer stem. Start about an inch above the cut and shave it all off all way around to the bottom. Again, make sure it's only a thin layer. By doing this, the roots can not only sprout from the bottom, they can sprout out where you shaved off the outer skin which gives you a lot more surface area for new roots.

I don't even dome my clones. I just use the technique described above, plunk them in some nice wet soil, and put them under a 23w CFL. Once they start growing (which is usually about 10 days), they go into the closet. If I get around to it I might mist them once in awhile, but I usually just put them in dirt and wait for them to start growing.



Well-Known Member

Works great and you don't have to fuck around mixing it - plus you can do 1000+ clones off the regular size bottle (they sell a huge bottle too, no idea why you'd ever need that much)


Well-Known Member
another schultz take root vote

I had better success with $5 schultz than with $20 gel (it was a free sample, clonex I think)