Which is best soil for Auto?

Hi! I want to know which is best soil for Autoflower? I don’t want to have a lot shit to mix just like simply and healthy. Thank you!
try to avoid light mixes .. ideally you dont want to do transplantations with your autos, directly in the final container
Depends on if you want to/have time to feed everyday then coco or if you don’t have time then soil.

if it’s your first then probably soil. I use Roots Organic now as my soil. I’ve also tried Natures Care organic and FFOF both good as well.
Depends on if you want to/have time to feed everyday then coco or if you don’t have time then soil.

if it’s your first then probably soil. I use Roots Organic now as my soil. I’ve also tried Natures Care organic and FFOF both good as well.
Mmhm I didn’t know that coco will have to feed everyday?
Well coco is similar to hydro where you want the roots to stay wet constantly. Again I don’t use it yet but I may try it on a future grow. So I’ve picked up some very general info. Some guys say they are watering more than once a day. And every time you water you’re adding nutrients.

Right now in flower I’m watering every 48 hours and sometimes less
Well coco is similar to hydro where you want the roots to stay wet constantly. Again I don’t use it yet but I may try it on a future grow. So I’ve picked up some very general info. Some guys say they are watering more than once a day. And every time you water you’re adding nutrients.

Right now in flower I’m watering every 48 hours and sometimes less
Oh so you use soil ?
Yes most new growers do as it has a little buffer in case you screw up. Which I do a lot.

I use soil and recommend that to new growers. Ph water is all you need to do really. Your soil has enough nutrients for a while. it’s deciding what to use once your nutrients run out where the fun begins.
Yes most new growers do as it has a little buffer in case you screw up. Which I do a lot.

I use soil and recommend that to new growers. Ph water is all you need to do really. Your soil has enough nutrients for a while. it’s deciding what to use once your nutrients run out where the fun begins.
Oh no wonder I am thinking to buy Mother Earth soil and thank for advice about soil so I am thinking to return coco stuff because I don’t want to feed everyday with my autoflower seeds
I use Roots organic now. This is my first grow with it. I’m even thinking of trying their coco. I will see how this goes first.