Which is the better option?


Well-Known Member
So I have this small plant that’s about a week or so from ready and I’m trying to decide the best drying option.
Its a very small auto that I stunted badly as a seedling. So once I got things dialed in she started flowering. I almost tossed her but I’m glad I didn’t. Should be at least at least an oz of some super kind bud.
Anyway, I’ve only harvested in the fall/winter months and my basement storage room was always in the low 60f range….so it was a perfect drying spot. Now it’s summer and that same space is 75-76f and not ideal.
I have 2 options and want some opinions on how to do this.
Option 1 is simply in a dark space w/ the buds either hanging or on a drying rack. I can get the temps to stay between 68-73f….No cooler no warmer. I can also bring the RH to whatever it needs to be……at 70f I was thinking 55H% or so. I can also rig up some air circulation around things but not blowing directly on the plant.
Option 2 is my Bar/wine refrigerator. There are two bottom shelves (pictured). Lowest shelf is 62-64F with a fluctuating RH….gets as low as 40% and up to 60%.
The higher shelf is cooler at 55-57F with the same RH bouncing from 40-60%.
The drawback here is no real air circulating….other than opening and closing the air is still.
Which route should I take? And any other tips are appreciated. Thanks guys3DFCCC0C-B108-4998-85C0-B7CC30818060.jpeg617F7DAD-029D-4963-ACBB-D3ED36D8C8DA.jpeg
Mini-fridge seems like a bad idea since its sealed. Where will the water from the drying plant go?

I'd opt for higher than optimal temps long before an experiment in a mini fridge; just my 2 cents

That's a nice little plant!
I’d let the plant go a couple more weeks at least still, then just cut and hang whole plant as is.
I’d let the plant go a couple more weeks at least still, then just cut and hang whole plant as is.
Yea I hear ya….that pic was a few days ago and I was figuring on at least another week. She’s still spitting a few white pistils and there’s a good percentage of clear trichomes still.
What I really need is this heat wave to end and some more moderate temps to move in.
Low-mid 70s is not ideal but that’s the lowest I can produce right now…..at least during the middle of the day.
Yea I hear ya….that pic was a few days ago and I was figuring on at least another week. She’s still spitting a few white pistils and there’s a good percentage of clear trichomes still.
What I really need is this heat wave to end and some more moderate temps to move in.
Low-mid 70s is not ideal but that’s the lowest I can produce right now…..at least during the middle of the day.

I hear you man. One of the reasons I shut down for summers too.
I hear you man. One of the reasons I shut down for summers too.
So if I’m forced to dry in 72-74f temps, what is the ideal humidity? The one thing I can control accurately is the RH….
I worry if I run the RH up to 60% I’ll run into mold…,
But if I keep it too low the buds will dry too fast…
What gives??
So if I’m forced to dry in 72-74f temps, what is the ideal humidity? The one thing I can control accurately is the RH….
I worry if I run the RH up to 60% I’ll run into mold…,
But if I keep it too low the buds will dry too fast…
What gives??

Drying in those temps you’ll be dry in a few days. I worry more about temps, than RH while drying.
Drying in those temps you’ll be dry in a few days. I worry more about temps, than RH while drying.
Drying in a few days is what I don’t want….
I was thinking about hanging the entire plant, untrimmed and try to lengthen the dry. The strain is Creme de la Chem from Mephisto and it’s definitely dank and nasty…but it has a lot of leaf to calyx ratio. Should be a bitch to trim up but maybe all those leaves will help it to dry out slower….I dunno.
I have an auto Gelato that’s a week or two behind the CdLC and those buds have hardly any leaves…just a few big fans sticking out and very very few smaller fans and sugar leaves. I’ve been waiting on a stain that was like that….all frosty calyces w/ minimal leaf and the Gelato is it.
Too bad I stunted the hell out of it too and it’s smaller than the CdlC……anyway, I’m not growing autos anytime in the near future.
I have three thriving photos that are set to be flipped as soon as these two small autos are chopped…..so probably in 2 weeks.
Im hopeful that when it’s time to harvest and dry the photo run it’ll be milder temps….3FB398C7-C679-4601-B333-F2C26412887B.jpeg