So I have this small plant that’s about a week or so from ready and I’m trying to decide the best drying option.
Its a very small auto that I stunted badly as a seedling. So once I got things dialed in she started flowering. I almost tossed her but I’m glad I didn’t. Should be at least at least an oz of some super kind bud.
Anyway, I’ve only harvested in the fall/winter months and my basement storage room was always in the low 60f range….so it was a perfect drying spot. Now it’s summer and that same space is 75-76f and not ideal.
I have 2 options and want some opinions on how to do this.
Option 1 is simply in a dark space w/ the buds either hanging or on a drying rack. I can get the temps to stay between 68-73f….No cooler no warmer. I can also bring the RH to whatever it needs to be……at 70f I was thinking 55H% or so. I can also rig up some air circulation around things but not blowing directly on the plant.
Option 2 is my Bar/wine refrigerator. There are two bottom shelves (pictured). Lowest shelf is 62-64F with a fluctuating RH….gets as low as 40% and up to 60%.
The higher shelf is cooler at 55-57F with the same RH bouncing from 40-60%.
The drawback here is no real air circulating….other than opening and closing the air is still.
Which route should I take? And any other tips are appreciated. Thanks guys

Its a very small auto that I stunted badly as a seedling. So once I got things dialed in she started flowering. I almost tossed her but I’m glad I didn’t. Should be at least at least an oz of some super kind bud.
Anyway, I’ve only harvested in the fall/winter months and my basement storage room was always in the low 60f range….so it was a perfect drying spot. Now it’s summer and that same space is 75-76f and not ideal.
I have 2 options and want some opinions on how to do this.
Option 1 is simply in a dark space w/ the buds either hanging or on a drying rack. I can get the temps to stay between 68-73f….No cooler no warmer. I can also bring the RH to whatever it needs to be……at 70f I was thinking 55H% or so. I can also rig up some air circulation around things but not blowing directly on the plant.
Option 2 is my Bar/wine refrigerator. There are two bottom shelves (pictured). Lowest shelf is 62-64F with a fluctuating RH….gets as low as 40% and up to 60%.
The higher shelf is cooler at 55-57F with the same RH bouncing from 40-60%.
The drawback here is no real air circulating….other than opening and closing the air is still.
Which route should I take? And any other tips are appreciated. Thanks guys