which led would you choose hlg spider

what led would you get if you could get any

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I have hlg kit... it all works really well... but those spider farmer things look great for the money
If youre in uk i am assuming cold temps part of the year. My vote is
+1 on highlight boards uv version but mixed with CMH depending on temps/time of year. Leds need 28C which is hard to achieve in cold climate but in the end it depends on your setup.
No we have heated houses, most prefer it quite hot in the winter indoors like to the point its tshirt and shorts. Feel like my grow is hotter in the winter than summer when all the windows are open, barely breath when i visit old people as their houses are like ovens in the winter, a warm blast greets you when they open the door and then they moan your letting the heat out if you take more than a second to get in and close the door.

If youre in uk i am assuming cold temps part of the year. My vote is
+1 on highlight boards uv version but mixed with CMH depending on temps/time of year. Leds need 28C which is hard to achieve in cold climate but in the end it depends on your setup.
Explain "Other", please.
Wellvi hoped the voter would explain their other options lol but mine would be
The gavita and the lumatek looks spicey.

I knownthere is hlg fans but whats best for the bucks lol il be taking out my 2 600s which ive seen claim they can exede in test grows ive seen lol
Way over priced comparetively speaking over hlg even which again are way over priced but even hlg is decent enough to spit on it before they jam it in, this light isnt worth $1600, the same technology can be built for about a quarter of the price no? Now does dimming that amare light effect its spectrum cause at 10% it has a blurpley tint to the light... i know that they grow i have seen your posts and threads but honestly best bang for your buck? Its like buying 2 hlg's and only using one of them, the sf-4000 (havent tested this but looking at getting one of these or 2 sf-2000's for my next run) if you dont go to alibaba to buy it it would still be less then half the price more like a third of the price close to the same ratings... id say for the budgeter hlg is even expensive and if you feel confident enough in the manufacturers claims get the sf-4000 and try it out, $600 on amazon, and just over $300 w/shipping on alibaba, hlg 650 is going to be $1000, the 550's are between 600 and 800 depending on where you get them, the 320 hlg kits will be around 3-400, and youd want 2 of those... in anycase i dont know what the best light would be from what you listed but the cheapest closest to what i think you are looking for is the sf-4000 being the cheapest and close to the same ratings as the all other lights, you can also spend hours and hours and hours researching different options on alibaba all really affordable, and really nail the most bang for your buck ratio you are looking for...
Way over priced comparetively speaking over hlg even which again are way over priced but even hlg is decent enough to spit on it before they jam it in, this light isnt worth $1600, the same technology can be built for about a quarter of the price no? Now does dimming that amare light effect its spectrum cause at 10% it has a blurpley tint to the light... i know that they grow i have seen your posts and threads but honestly best bang for your buck? Its like buying 2 hlg's and only using one of them, the sf-4000 (havent tested this but looking at getting one of these or 2 sf-2000's for my next run) if you dont go to alibaba to buy it it would still be less then half the price more like a third of the price close to the same ratings... id say for the budgeter hlg is even expensive and if you feel confident enough in the manufacturers claims get the sf-4000 and try it out, $600 on amazon, and just over $300 w/shipping on alibaba, hlg 650 is going to be $1000, the 550's are between 600 and 800 depending on where you get them, the 320 hlg kits will be around 3-400, and youd want 2 of those... in anycase i dont know what the best light would be from what you listed but the cheapest closest to what i think you are looking for is the sf-4000 being the cheapest and close to the same ratings as the all other lights, you can also spend hours and hours and hours researching different options on alibaba all really affordable, and really nail the most bang for your buck ratio you are looking for...
The white LEDs are the only ones on a dimmer while the other uvs, reds and far reds are all on separate driver/s at a constant current undimmable. That's why when the White LEDs are dimmed you really see the others.
Way over priced comparetively speaking over hlg even which again are way over priced but even hlg is decent enough to spit on it before they jam it in, this light isnt worth $1600, the same technology can be built for about a quarter of the price no? Now does dimming that amare light effect its spectrum cause at 10% it has a blurpley tint to the light... i know that they grow i have seen your posts and threads but honestly best bang for your buck? Its like buying 2 hlg's and only using one of them, the sf-4000 (havent tested this but looking at getting one of these or 2 sf-2000's for my next run) if you dont go to alibaba to buy it it would still be less then half the price more like a third of the price close to the same ratings... id say for the budgeter hlg is even expensive and if you feel confident enough in the manufacturers claims get the sf-4000 and try it out, $600 on amazon, and just over $300 w/shipping on alibaba, hlg 650 is going to be $1000, the 550's are between 600 and 800 depending on where you get them, the 320 hlg kits will be around 3-400, and youd want 2 of those... in anycase i dont know what the best light would be from what you listed but the cheapest closest to what i think you are looking for is the sf-4000 being the cheapest and close to the same ratings as the all other lights, you can also spend hours and hours and hours researching different options on alibaba all really affordable, and really nail the most bang for your buck ratio you are looking for...
The light is $950 delivered bro. For the next month or so then goes up to $1250 or 75 MSRP (not direct) to be competitively priced offering higher quality then Fluence or Gavita.
That is the DEMO model. Has an on/off switch for the UVA. Rest of it fully dims together, including all monos. Amare does not cheap out ever. Production model UVA dims as well. Plus the fixtute will have the IR/Flash on a timer for lights out Tucking the girls into bed. Many fancy changes & additions are on the production models which i will have soon as well. Just trying to keep everyone posted to what i feel is best deal available & showing what i have in hand.
All Pre-Order customers are getting the Final Production model, not this here, I'm showing. I get the Proto's then the reals.
You can check the DE switching to LED thread or my LED vs HPS growing thread for more details.
So there's just 2 435s, 4 385s and 12 660s on this prototype? No 730nmFR?
Why do you say this like a fact when you're asking a question homes?
Naw man, there's x6 ,380's per bar instead of x3 like Hortrilux Led bar light. Its the Solar-Spec (C) spectrum - the 630 augmentation/Enhancement to maintain electrical efficiency levels after so much available LG 380nm. Compensated with more warm whites then normal to get that 630.
Yes, mad 660, SSL/SQ, x2 Whites, 301h.
And OMG, i can't believe you even said that about dropping the IR. Amare has incorporated far/red (740nm) into every fixture they've made since day one for the EmmersonEffect.
Oh, aside from the HE spectrum they offer that No one buys from them. That spectrum w/ SQ's puts the Bar-8 @ 2.9 @ 900w i think. Would have to check to be exact but its minuet.
X2 , IR's next to each UVA.20200527_133209.jpg
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Why do you say this like a fact when you're asking a question homes?
Naw man, there's x6 ,380's per bar instead of x3 like Hortrilux Led bar light. Its the Solar-Spec (C) spectrum - the 630 augmentation/Enhancement to maintain electrical efficiency levels after so much available LG 380nm. Compensated with more warm whites then normal to get that 630.
Yes, mad 660, SSL/SQ, x2 Whites, 301h.
And OMG, i can't believe you even said that about dropping the IR. Amare has incorporated far/red (740nm) into every fixture they've made since day one for the EmmersonEffect.
Oh, aside from the HE spectrum they offer that No one buys from them. That spectrum w/ SQ's puts the Bar-8 @ 2.9 @ 900w i think. Would have to check to be exact but its minuet.
WTF are you talking about me stating facts. I clearly asked as a question.
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